Our Color2Gray and Sudoku Generator plug-ins have been updated to support InDesign CC 2017.
Color2Gray allows you to convert placed color photos to grayscale without modifying the original color image.
The Sudoku Generator enables you to generate Sudoku puzzles directly into an InDesign document. For example, for your ‘Puzzle Page’, or to generate whole booklets with Sudoku puzzles.
Color2Gray: https://www.rorohiko.com/color2gray
Sudoku Generator: https://www.rorohiko.com/sudoku
Please visit the relevant product page, download and unzip the correct files; install in the InDesign CC 2017 plug-ins folder as directed.
Please make sure to (re-)read the license/activation info:
If you have been using a low-cost One-time Activation Code with an older version of InDesign, you will probably need to purchase a new activation code for use with CC 2015.
On the other hand, if you have a Personal Activation Code, please re-use this code to activate your new installation. Don’t try to re-use your previous activation file; you must use the Personal Activation Code, and fetch a new activation file from our licensing system.