FrameReporter 1.0.5 Released

We’ve been hard at work these last few months – a beta of StoryTweaker, a new version of TextExporter, and also a new version of FrameReporter for InDesign.

This update adds the ability to display the image file name and/or the image file path next to any placed image on the InDesign page.

Here’s a sample of what it can do for you – imagine you’ve been asked to place a whole lot of images, and it’s really important that the images are placed on the pages in alphabetical order of their file name.

The problem is that the images look very similar, and carry similar names – how do you verify quickly you’ve placed them correctly?

Furthermore, all images should be placed at the exact same scaling factor, so their effective resolution is the same. Again, how do you quickly find that out if there are any outliers?

Here’s a screen shot of my InDesign page – I can immediately see that DSC_8755 is out of order, that it is missing (hence the red background behind the name) and that the fourth image has been scaled to a different effective resolution than the other three.

Screen shot 2009-10-05 at 6.11.36 PM

With FrameReporter, it takes all of two seconds: Select All, and quickly inspect the file names.

And rest assured – these little labels are purely informational, and they are non-printing – they won’t appear on the printed page.

FrameReporter uses little non-printing labels to display interesting info about selected page items.  A lot of this info can also be found on the various InDesign palettes – but you need to click around to dig up the info. With FrameReporter, the relevant info is displayed exactly in the area where you are working, and you can immediately see the necessary info for multiple items in the flick of an eye.

Another example: FrameReporter will show overset text warnings on the frame of any text frame that’s part of a linked set of frames.

Check it out – click here for more info:

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