Before you can use the SudokuGenerator plug-in you also have to install our free APID ToolAssistant plug-in.
Change History for SudokuGenerator
This page is for an old version of Sudoku Generator, which is not available for purchase any more. This page is for the benefit of existing users with InDesign 2023 or older. If you are using InDesign 2024 or higher, please visit
If you’re publishing a newspaper, magazine, newsletter… this will enable you to generate Sudoku puzzles directly into an InDesign document – for example, for your ‘Puzzle Page’, or to generate whole booklets with Sudoku puzzles.
You’re in control of the look and feel of the generated Sudoku – and our generator takes care of actually building the puzzles for you, straight into the final page. No more copy-paste or error-prone retyping needed!
You can download a fully functional time limited demo version of this plug-in for Adobe® InDesign® CS up to 2024. Try it out; if you like what it does, US$149.00 (excl. tax/GST) will buy you a one-time activation. More info about our licensing system can be found by clicking here. Please take the time to read this before purchasing.
Before you start installing, exit out of InDesign.
Please make sure you have a copy of the APID ToolAssistant plug-in installed. Make sure you install the proper plug-in for your version of InDesign since the plug-ins are mutually incompatible. The APID ToolAssistant plug-in might be composed of multiple files and/or folders, depending on the version of InDesign.
If you already have an APID ToolAssistant plug-in installed (e.g. because you use one of our other plug-ins), make sure it is up-to-date.
You will be installing two separate, but related software products: SudokuGenerator and APID ToolAssistant. For continued use you only need to purchase a license for SudokuGenerator. It will continue to work even when the APID ToolAssistant demo expires.
i.e you do NOT need to purchase an additional license for APID ToolAssistant.
Copy the SudokuGenerator.spln into the same folder as the APID ToolAssistant plug-in (typically that will be the InDesign Plug-Ins folder). Don’t worry about the icon of the .spln file: it might not be a ‘regular’ icon, and that’s OK.
The SudokuGenerator will only work after you open a properly prepared template file. Inside the template file you can put one or more placeholders for puzzles and puzzle solutions – the generator will automatically replace these with real puzzles and the corresponding solutions.
A few example templates are provided in the Example Booklet Files folder. Don’t try to use the CS to CS4 templates with CS5 or above – it won’t work.
Open sudokuAutoBookletExample.indd in the ‘Example Booklet Files’ folder. Select the ‘API – Generate Sudoku…’ menu item. A dialog should come up. If you click OK, it will go ahead and replace all placeholders with freshly generated puzzles.
You can adjust the templates to your liking. Re-save as another template under a different name after modifying it.
More Info
For more detailed information on SudokuGenerator, go to: